Nelson Mandela Primary School

Nelson Mandela Primary School

Putting your child at the heart of learning


When your child is absent by law, schools must record absences and the reasons given.

Only the Headteacher can officially authorise an absence, but unless there is a concern, the staff will usually do this on her behalf. Parents should provide reasons for absences and the school must decide whether or not they allow the absence according to Government Guidelines.


Authorised Absences:

• Genuine illness of the pupil - Is my child too ill for school?

• Hospital/dental appointment for the pupil (not GP appointments)

• Death of a near relative

• Religious observance (faith of the parents /carers)


Unauthorised Absences:

• A shopping trip

• A birthday treat

• Oversleeping due to a late night

• Looking after other children

• Letting the gas man in, etc


Whenever a child is absent from school the parent should:

  • Ring the school on the first day of absence, School number - 0121 772 3055
  • Leave message on answer phone or with office staff
  • If possible give evidence:
     Let the school know in advance of any planned absences appointments;
    • Doctor's appointment card/ a stamped letter from the doctor - you can write the letter and ask the receptionist to stamp it
    • Hospital letter/ doctor's note
    • Prescription or prescribed medicine
  • Try to make medical/dental appointments out of school hours.

Any child with attendance below 95% will be required to bring proof of absence after a phone call has been made. This can be an appointment card / a stamped letter from the doctor. You can write the letter and ask the doctor’s receptionist to stamp it. This will not be charged for.

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