Nelson Mandela Primary School

Nelson Mandela Primary School

Putting your child at the heart of learning

Parent Workshops

Summer Term 2 Workshop Dates

It has been wonderful to have had so many of you join us for the parent workshops last term.  This term is also going to be full of lots of amazing learning for everyone.  Staff are planning to some enjoyable sessions for parents and children. 
Please check dates and times in the table below for your child’s workshop.



Year Group
Topic/ Subject 
PD- Gross Motor
Friday 5th July
Morning nursery
8.30-9.30 am
Afternoon nursery
12.30-1.30 pm
Monday 8th July
Year 1 
Design Technology- Being Creative
Tuesday 25th June
Year 2 
Healthy Eating
Tuesday 4th June
 2A   1.10-2 pm
 2B   2.10-3 pm
Year 3 
Importance Active of Keeping Active with physical ideas
Monday 3rd June
Year 4 
PE- Keeping Active
Wednesday 17th July
 4A 2-3 pm
  Thursday 18th July
 4B 9-10 am
Year 5 
PE- Keeping Active
  Friday 28th June
 9.15-10.15 am
Year 6 
Tuesday 25th June
 9-10 am
Whole school parent workshops
You will learn valuable information around healthy eating habits.
Trained staff will be talking to parents/ carers about creating and maintaining healthy eating habits. This workshop will help parents/ carers understand healthy foods, routine and boundaries. These workshops have been created with Ways for Wellbeing, NHS dieticians and Early Help.
Sparkbrook Childrens’s Zone
Healthy Eating Habits
Session One: Thursday 6th June
Session Two: Tuesday 9th July

Healthy Eating Workshop 

Wednesday 10th July 


Hall Green Families Early Help Team
May 2024 Newsletter


Please feel free to suggest any workshops that you would like us to run.

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